Sustainability Policies and Practices

SCS Global Services Certificates:

Santa BarbaraSan Luis ObispoOxnard
The Berry Man, Inc. Proud to Partner with:

Safer Community

Foodscraps are collected from restaurants inside the City and turned into compost by professional composters at Engle and Gray, Inc in Santa Maria. Compost makes our parks, schoolyards, and agricultural fields healthier and more productive. Compost does this without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides that can sicken people or wildlife and wash into our watershed.

Food and agricultural products grown with compost share these same benefits and help feed our community and economy. Santa Barbara County produced over $1.9 billion dollars in agricultural goods in 2020.

What are the Benefits of Composting?

Composting is not only good for preventing greenwaste and food scraps from ending up in the landfill, but recycles the nutrients back into your sustainable garden. It reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, enhances the water holding capacity of soil, and nurtures strong plants that naturally resist disease. Vermicompost (worm castings) are gardener’s gold and if used regularly, can build up plant resistance to whitefly and other pests. See If you have only one greenwaste recycling bin, it’s smart to compost the softer materials such as leaves and grass and leave your bin for the woody items that take a very long time to decay. By composting rather than using the greenwaste bin, you are also reducing the amount of fossils fuels used and CO2 produced by transporting your greenwaste around